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PAC: Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis - 2nd Edition
Bowlings, MD, PhD, Allen C. Demos, 2007 - 2nd Edition. The first edition of Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis quickly became the single source for accurate and unbiased information on a wide range of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches that can aid both in the management of multiple sclerosis symptoms and in promoting general health and wellness. The second edition of this authoritative book continues to offer reliable information on the relevance, safety, and effectiveness of various alternative therapies. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd Edition is completely updated throughout, and reflects the advances in the field since the first edition's publication in 2001. There is a new chapter on low-dose Naltrexone and a pivotal section on integrating conventional and alternative medicines. Therapies are organized alphabetically so that readers can readily pinpoint a specific treatment and learn about its origins, merits, and possible uses in MS. They will find in-depth discussions on topics that include acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic medicine, cooling therapy, yoga, diets and fatty acid supplements, the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals, and much more.
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PAC: Living Well with MS
Carroll, David L. & Jon Dudley Dorman, MD. Harper Collins Publisher, 1993 A Guide for Patient, Caregiver, and Family, health writer Carroll and neurologist Dorman have authored a compact, highly readable guide for people with MS. Information on diagnosis, psychological coping, the importance of exercise and nutrition, and practical tips for everyday living with MS are presented clearly. The tone is realistic but upbeat, as noted in the title.
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PAC: Living with Multiple Sclerosis - A Wellness Approach
Kraft MD, George H. Kraft, and Marci Catanzaro, RN, Ph.D., Demos, 2000 This book offers avenues for optimizing health through exercise, nutrition and emotional well-being --providing a starting point for developing an individualized wellness program. With answers to the most commonly asked questions about living with multiple sclerosis, the authors include: Causes and course of the disease; Symptom management; Wellness management; Emotional health; Disease treatments; Alternative therapies; Working with your health care team; Social aspects of living with multiple sclerosis. This extensively revised and updated second edition includes information on the many new medications for managing the disease process, as well as the symptoms of the disease, and new sections dealing with exercise options and concepts of wellness.
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PAC: Living with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Overcoming the Challenges
Coyle, Patricia K. and June Halper. Demos Medical Publishing, LLC, 2008. This 2nd edition is a concise and practical overview that educates you about diagnosis, disease-modifying therapies, new drug treatments, management of difficult symptoms, and coping strategies. The authors, both leading experts in MS, emphasize a wellness approach that includes weighing your options, planning for the future, and maintaining humor and composure in the face of adversity.

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PAC: Managing the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis 5th Edition
Schapiro, MD., Randall. Demos Publishing, 2007 5th Edition. In clear, understandable language and with helpful illustrations, this book explores every symptom of MS and discusses clinically tested and proven methods for the proper and effective management of each. No symptom is omitted: from spasticity, tremor, weakness, and fatigue to bladder, bowel, and sexual difficulties. An enlightening overview of the characteristics of MS, a useful glossary of common medical terms, and a list of helpful exercises round out this comprehensive coverage. This extensively revised fifth edition remains the definitive guide to managing the symptoms of MS, but also focuses on disease and personal management strategies. It is based on the management program developed at the oldest comprehensive MS Center in the United States, The Fairview MS Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. The disease management section has been expanded to reflect the growth of our knowledge in this area. Newer ways to manage complex and routine symptoms are explored. The book has been substantially reorganized to better reflect the three areas of MS management - management of the disease, management of its symptoms, and management of issues relating to lifestyle and general wellness.
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PAC: Multiple Sclerosis Questions and Answers
Barnes, David. Merit Publishing International, 2000. This up-to-date and comprehensive publication is aimed at clinicians, patients and carers who require the most recent information available on Multiple Sclerosis. Setting the standard for books on MS, the contents includes answers to: Is MS a virus? Is it contagious? Can MS be passed to children? What age groups are affected? What are the symptoms? How is MS treated? Is it hard to diagnose? Is there a cure? What are the "alternative" therapies?
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PAC: Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide For Patients and Their Familes
Scheinberg, Labe C. and Nancy J. Holland. Raven Press, 1987 The Second Edition of this popular and highly acclaimed guide features expanded coverage of the causes, epidemiology, and genetics of multiple sclerosis and contains many new illustrations that make the rehabilitative techniques presented easier for the patient to understand and follow. Written by neurologists, rehabilitative medicine specialists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals, the book gives MS patients and their families constructive suggestions for coping with the problems that accompany this illness, including discrimination, social upheaval, emotional turmoil, and the transformation of the self.
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Click here for more information about PAC: Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed - 3rd Edition
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PAC: Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed - 3rd Edition
Holland, Nancy J., Murray, T. Jock and Reingold, Stephen C. Demos Medical Publishing, 2007. The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) poses potential concerns related to all aspects of life and plans for the future. Family members and other loved ones are similarly concerned, and everyone involved struggles to make sense of life with this permanent intruder. One of the first responses is usually an active search for information about the disease itself and its potential long-term effects. Chapters discuss the nature of MS, its management, and guidelines for dealing with all aspects of the disease and its impact on your life. A chapter on services available from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a glossary, a list of resources, and additional reading suggestions make this the place to begin your education about MS. With education and proper care, most people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will lead full and productive lives. Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed, Third Edition is an essential resource for everything you need to know about MS, and includes new or updated sections on: The most current medical treatments for the management of MS Complementary and alternative medicine and MS Financial and life planning Children with MS Updated diagnostic criteria Additional chapters discuss the nature of MS, its management, and guidelines for dealing with all aspects of the disease and its impact on your life. A chapter on services available from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, a glossary, a list of resources, and additional reading suggestions make this the place to begin your education about MS.

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Click here for more information about PAC: Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: What You Need To Know
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PAC: Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: What You Need To Know
Holland, Nancy J., EdD, Jack S. Burks, MD and Diana M. Schneider, PhD. DiaMedica Publishing, 2010. Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: What You Need to Know addresses the wide variety of physical and emotional issues experienced by people with PPMS and their families. Chapters explain the nature of the disease and its characteristics, as well as its comprehensive multidisciplinary management. This book and companion DVD were developed through an unrestricted educational grant from Genentech.

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