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Welcome to Moms With MS' Team Page

$ Achieved

Did you know that there are moms (and moms to be) diagnosed with multiple sclerosis all over the country? We created this National Team for all the Moms that are creating teams, having teams created on behalf of them, and of course so we can all meet other Moms! We have been around since 2010 and have teams for both Walk/Run MS events as well as Bike MS.

You can start a team, find a team to join or of course donate to any of the teams below.

If you want to spread awareness about your mom story or promote your team you can submit your story to our website at where there is also lots of information, resources and a newsletter you can sign up for as well as links to our private online community for moms.

Let's do it!! Together we are STRONGER!!

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Amount Raised:$0.00
Number of Gifts:0
Total Recruited:0

Amount Raised:$0.00
Number of Gifts:0
Total Recruited:0
$0 Achieved
$0 Achieved
$0 Achieved
$0 Achieved
$0 Achieved