Bike MS Champion Program
What is a Bike MS Champion? The Bike MS Champions program pairs people living with MS with cyclists who ride in their honor. The champion pairs exchange e-mails ahead of time and often are able to arrange to meet at the ride’s finish. They will share their story with you and offer you encouragement as you fundraise, train and ride in Bike MS. You can share your Bike MS experience from training to finish line with them.
Choose your champion: Cyclists choose their champions from the profiles below. You’ll notice something called an identifier in each profile; this is an item that the champion living with MS is asking cyclists to wear or carry in their honor.
For those living with MS – click here to learn how to become a champion. We welcome champions of all ages and abilities. If you are already involved with Bike MS through a team or as an individual, but are willing to share your story with others, please let us know! For more information about Bike MS Champions, e-mail
Meet the 2014 Champions Living with MS
*Note: All profiles below are in PDF format.
Drake & Paulette Kirkham Identifier: RIDE for DRAKE & PAULETTE |
Merrilee Identifier: |
Tonia B. Davis Identifier: |
Chris Nettleton Identifier: RIDE for CHRIS |
Wendy Higham Identifier: |
JD Early Identifier: RIDE for JD |
Alyssa Audd Identifier: |
Geoff Moore Identifier: |
Renee Burkley Identifier:
Gary Shelton Identifier:
Angelina Kump Identifier: |
Stephanie Cleveland Identifier: |