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The Walk Will Challenge You. The Experience Will Change You.

Challenge Walk MS: Cape Cod 2016 is more than an endurance event. It’s an experience grounded in camaraderie and marked by passion, inspiration, determination and pure enjoyment. Challenge Walk MS Cape Cod is a collaboration among seven National MS Society chapters. It is a three-day, 50-mile trek that tests your strength and your spirit, and makes an extraordinary difference in the lives of people with MS and their families. Accept the challenge and join a community of spirit and strength. It will be an experience you’ll never forget, shared with new friends and old.

With each mile you walk and every dollar you raise you’ll be helping us reach our goal—a world free of MS.


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Progress: 80.8867%

Goal $1,000,000.00 Achieved $808,867.28

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Challenge Walk MS: Fueling Progress

We are the largest private funder of MS research in the world.
Challenge Walk MS participants have walked 1.8 million miles to create a world free of MS.
People affected by MS have access to more life-changing services than ever.

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