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Form or join a team and get ready for the ride of a lifetime—together! From the moment you register, you'll feel a spirit of camaraderie and support like you've never experienced before. With every team training ride and every dollar raised toward your fundraising goal, you'll form a bond with your teammates that will last long after you cross the Finish Line.
Riding as a team is an experience like no other, and here is what it is all about:
The more the merrier. Team members can be anyone: friends, family, coworkers, neighbors – pretty much anyone you can think of. And here's the thing: They don't even have to be cyclists. Teams can always use additional support along the way. There's no limit how big a team can be, so get out there and start asking. Our online tools help make this easier than ever.
This is the big one. It's also why the first one is so important; the bigger your team is, the more you're able to collectively raise. Fundraising parties are always a great idea, and even more successful (and fun) when each member of the team contributes their talents and resources to help make it happen. Get more ideas on fundraising from experienced Bike MS fundraisers.
When it comes to the BP MS 150, we are not only focused on our fundraising but we are equally concerned about the safety of everyone involved in the event. Learn more how a Team Safety Coordinator can help you continually promote the message of safety to your team members as they prepare for the journey from Houston to Austin: Go to our Team Resources page, Captains Resources tab to learn more about the Team Safety Coordinator position.
You won't believe how many reasons you and your teammates will have to celebrate together: Enjoying a few pints at the end of a long training ride; fundraising parties; team meetings; and, of course, every mile of the ride itself.
If we are going to end MS, we can't do it alone. We need collaboration. We need connections. We need each other. We need teams. Let's ride!
If you registered as an individual, but would like to join a team or form a new team, please contact our team at BPMS150@nmss.org and we'll get you set up! Please have the name of the team you'd like to join (or the name of the team you'd like to form plus its fundraising goal) and we'll make it happen!
Team List
Each year, nearly 80 percent of cyclists make a bigger impact by riding as part of a team. Find a team that's currently registered for the 2016 BP MS 150 to learn more about them or join.
National Teams
Composed of fundraising teams located in multiple markets, National Teams raised over $10.8 million in 2014 to fund critical research, programs, and services to help people living with MS and their families.
Team Resources
Each year, cyclists make a bigger impact by riding as part of a team. Utilize this page to take advantage of the many team tools and resources provided to help you reach your goals.
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